Guide to the Human Genome
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Name: LOC728503 Sequence: fasta or formatted (536aa) NCBI GI: 239744621

PREDICTED: hypothetical protein

Not currently referenced in the text

Other entries for this name:
alt prot {499aa} PREDICTED: hypothetical protein
alt prot {499aa} PREDICTED: hypothetical protein

amino acid map
 Amino acid        Percentage    Count  Longest homopolymer
 A alanine             9.1         49           3
 C cysteine            1.5          8           1
 D aspartate           2.1         11           1
 E glutamate           3.2         17           2
 F phenylalanine       0.9          5           2
 G glycine            12.1         65           3
 H histidine           3.9         21           2
 I isoleucine          1.3          7           1
 K lysine              2.4         13           3
 L leucine            10.6         57           2
 M methionine          0.9          5           1
 N asparagine          1.5          8           1
 P proline            14.6         78           3
 Q glutamine           3.4         18           1
 R arginine           10.6         57           2
 S serine             10.3         55           3
 T threonine           6.0         32           2
 V valine              4.3         23           1
 W tryptophan          0.9          5           1
 Y tyrosine            0.4          2           1
Comparative genomics:

Search single species RefSeq proteins at NCBI
   H. sapiens
   M. musculus
   D. rerio
   C. intestinalis
   S. purpuratus
   D. melanogaster
   C. elegans
   A. thaliana
   S. cerevisiae
   E. coli W3110
   A. pernix K1

Search summary

comparative genomics plot

   Figure data

Additional searches of
RefSeq proteins at NCBI


Related human proteins:
Protein          Relative score         Description

Self-match            1.000   PREDICTED: hypothetical protein 
LOC728503             0.932   PREDICTED: hypothetical protein 
LOC728503             0.932   PREDICTED: hypothetical protein 
NACA                  0.035   nascent polypeptide-associated complex alpha subuni...
WIPF1                 0.033   WAS/WASL interacting protein family, member 1 [Homo...
WIPF1                 0.033   WAS/WASL interacting protein family, member 1 
SHANK1                0.031   SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 1 
FLJ22184              0.030   PREDICTED: hypothetical protein FLJ22184 
TAF4                  0.028   TBP-associated factor 4 
FLJ22184              0.028   PREDICTED: hypothetical protein FLJ22184 
KDM6B                 0.028   lysine (K)-specific demethylase 6B 
BAT3                  0.027   HLA-B associated transcript-3 isoform b 
BAT3                  0.027   HLA-B associated transcript-3 isoform b 
BAT3                  0.027   HLA-B associated transcript-3 isoform b 
BAT3                  0.027   HLA-B associated transcript-3 isoform a 
CIC                   0.027   capicua homolog 
FLJ22184              0.027   PREDICTED: hypothetical protein LOC80164 
GLTSCR1               0.025   glioma tumor suppressor candidate region gene 1 [Ho...
OGFR                  0.024   opioid growth factor receptor 
LOC440829             0.024   PREDICTED: transmembrane protein 46-like 
LOC100293604          0.022   PREDICTED: hypothetical protein 
LOC100131102          0.022   PREDICTED: hypothetical protein 
LOC100287837          0.022   PREDICTED: hypothetical protein XP_002343157 
LOC100131102          0.022   PREDICTED: hypothetical protein 
SH3BP1                0.022   SH3-domain binding protein 1 
PRR12                 0.022   proline rich 12 
SRRM2                 0.021   splicing coactivator subunit SRm300 
LOC100287499          0.021   PREDICTED: hypothetical protein 
LOC100287499          0.021   PREDICTED: hypothetical protein XP_002343643 
ATN1                  0.021   atrophin-1 
Human BLASTP results (used to prepare the table)

Gene descriptions are from NCBI RefSeq. Search results were obtained with NCBI BLAST and RefSeq entries. When identical proteins are present, the self-match may not be listed first in BLASTP output. In such cases, the table above has been reordered to place it first.

See About the Figures for the scoring system used in the figure above right. The same scoring system was used in the table of BLASTP results.

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Guide to the Human Genome
Copyright © 2010 by Stewart Scherer. All rights reserved.

CSHL Press