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Name: C19orf18 Sequence: fasta or formatted (215aa) NCBI GI: 22748999

hypothetical protein LOC147685

Not currently referenced in the text


amino acid map
 Amino acid        Percentage    Count  Longest homopolymer
 A alanine             6.0         13           2
 C cysteine            1.4          3           1
 D aspartate           2.3          5           1
 E glutamate           8.8         19           3
 F phenylalanine       3.7          8           2
 G glycine             5.6         12           1
 H histidine           3.3          7           1
 I isoleucine          7.9         17           2
 K lysine              8.8         19           3
 L leucine            11.6         25           2
 M methionine          2.8          6           1
 N asparagine          5.6         12           1
 P proline             5.6         12           2
 Q glutamine           4.2          9           2
 R arginine            4.7         10           1
 S serine              8.4         18           2
 T threonine           4.2          9           1
 V valine              3.3          7           1
 W tryptophan          0.0          0           0
 Y tyrosine            1.9          4           1
Comparative genomics:

Search single species RefSeq proteins at NCBI
   H. sapiens
   M. musculus
   D. rerio
   C. intestinalis
   S. purpuratus
   D. melanogaster
   C. elegans
   A. thaliana
   S. cerevisiae
   E. coli W3110
   A. pernix K1

Search summary

comparative genomics plot

   Figure data

Additional searches of
RefSeq proteins at NCBI


Related human proteins:
Protein          Relative score         Description

Self-match            1.000   hypothetical protein LOC147685 
SCN8A                 0.025   sodium channel, voltage gated, type VIII, alpha [Homo...
RYR1                  0.022   skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor isoform 2 
RYR1                  0.022   skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor isoform 1 
ABCF1                 0.022   ATP-binding cassette, sub-family F, member 1 isoform...
CLIP1                 0.020   restin isoform b 
CLIP1                 0.020   restin isoform a 
POPDC2                0.020   popeye protein 2 
DHX16                 0.017   DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 16 
CLSPN                 0.017   claspin 
WDR75                 0.017   WD repeat domain 75 
BMPR2                 0.015   bone morphogenetic protein receptor type II precurso...
KAT5                  0.015   K(lysine) acetyltransferase 5 isoform 3 
CENPF                 0.015   centromere protein F 
CWF19L2               0.015   CWF19-like 2, cell cycle control 
ZEB1                  0.012   zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 isoform a [Hom...
ZEB1                  0.012   zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 isoform b [Hom...
ENKUR                 0.012   enkurin 
PPFIBP1               0.012   PTPRF interacting protein binding protein 1 isoform ...
CHAF1A                0.012   chromatin assembly factor 1, subunit A (p150) 
SCMH1                 0.012   sex comb on midleg 1 isoform 1 
HOOK2                 0.012   hook homolog 2 isoform 1 
SMARCA2               0.010   SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent re...
SMARCA2               0.010   SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent re...
HOOK1                 0.010   hook homolog 1 
RTF1                  0.010   Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component 
USP16                 0.010   ubiquitin specific protease 16 isoform b 
USP16                 0.010   ubiquitin specific protease 16 isoform a 
ACIN1                 0.010   apoptotic chromatin condensation inducer 1 
USP16                 0.010   ubiquitin specific protease 16 isoform a 
Human BLASTP results (used to prepare the table)

Gene descriptions are from NCBI RefSeq. Search results were obtained with NCBI BLAST and RefSeq entries. When identical proteins are present, the self-match may not be listed first in BLASTP output. In such cases, the table above has been reordered to place it first.

See About the Figures for the scoring system used in the figure above right. The same scoring system was used in the table of BLASTP results.

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Guide to the Human Genome
Copyright © 2010 by Stewart Scherer. All rights reserved.

CSHL Press