BLASTP 2.2.11 [Jun-05-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= gi|45592954 cortexin 1 [Homo sapiens] (82 letters) Database: hs.faa 37,866 sequences; 18,247,518 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gi|45592954 cortexin 1 [Homo sapiens] 169 4e-43 gi|188497722 cortexin 3 [Homo sapiens] 75 1e-14 gi|115392142 cortexin 3 [Homo sapiens] 75 1e-14 gi|224586838 cortexin 2 [Homo sapiens] 69 8e-13 gi|239756833 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein [Homo sapiens] 30 0.41 gi|239751318 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein XP_002347804 [Homo ... 30 0.41 gi|239745817 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein XP_002343597 [Homo ... 30 0.41 gi|116534898 desmoglein 2 preproprotein [Homo sapiens] 28 2.1 gi|126032338 ryanodine receptor 3 [Homo sapiens] 28 2.1 gi|4502387 opsin 1 (cone pigments), short-wave-sensitive [Homo s... 28 2.1 gi|169215850 PREDICTED: transmembrane protein 46-like [Homo sapi... 27 4.6 gi|113429443 PREDICTED: transmembrane protein 46-like [Homo sapi... 27 4.6 gi|239743666 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein XP_002342940 isofor... 27 4.6 gi|239743664 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein XP_002342939 isofor... 27 4.6 gi|167466201 WAS protein family homolog 1 [Homo sapiens] 27 4.6 gi|166235136 seizure related 6 homolog (mouse)-like 2 isoform 2 ... 26 6.0 gi|4885197 ephrin A4 isoform a [Homo sapiens] 26 6.0 gi|239755085 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein [Homo sapiens] 26 7.8 gi|169176429 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein [Homo sapiens] 26 7.8 gi|38016937 lemur tyrosine kinase 2 [Homo sapiens] 26 7.8 gi|18450371 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, A isofo... 26 7.8 gi|18450369 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, A isofo... 26 7.8 gi|28872814 semaphorin 4G [Homo sapiens] 26 7.8 gi|153792110 HEG homolog 1 [Homo sapiens] 26 7.8 gi|90991712 CD207 antigen, langerin [Homo sapiens] 26 7.8 gi|157694497 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 10 isoform b ... 26 7.8 gi|157694499 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 10 isoform a ... 26 7.8 >gi|45592954 cortexin 1 [Homo sapiens] Length = 82 Score = 169 bits (428), Expect = 4e-43 Identities = 82/82 (100%), Positives = 82/82 (100%) Query: 1 MSATWTLSPEPLPPSTGPPVGAGLDAEQRTVFAFVLCLLVVLVLLMVRCVRILLDPYSRM 60 MSATWTLSPEPLPPSTGPPVGAGLDAEQRTVFAFVLCLLVVLVLLMVRCVRILLDPYSRM Sbjct: 1 MSATWTLSPEPLPPSTGPPVGAGLDAEQRTVFAFVLCLLVVLVLLMVRCVRILLDPYSRM 60 Query: 61 PASSWTDHKEALERGQFDYALV 82 PASSWTDHKEALERGQFDYALV Sbjct: 61 PASSWTDHKEALERGQFDYALV 82 >gi|188497722 cortexin 3 [Homo sapiens] Length = 81 Score = 75.1 bits (183), Expect = 1e-14 Identities = 35/73 (47%), Positives = 45/73 (61%) Query: 9 PEPLPPSTGPPVGAGLDAEQRTVFAFVLCLLVVLVLLMVRCVRILLDPYSRMPASSWTDH 68 P L P + + EQ+ F FV+ L + L +L+VRC RILLDPY MP S+W D Sbjct: 8 PSSLVPLGNESADSSMSLEQKMTFVFVILLFIFLGILIVRCFRILLDPYRSMPTSTWADG 67 Query: 69 KEALERGQFDYAL 81 E LE+GQFD+AL Sbjct: 68 LEGLEKGQFDHAL 80 >gi|115392142 cortexin 3 [Homo sapiens] Length = 81 Score = 75.1 bits (183), Expect = 1e-14 Identities = 35/73 (47%), Positives = 45/73 (61%) Query: 9 PEPLPPSTGPPVGAGLDAEQRTVFAFVLCLLVVLVLLMVRCVRILLDPYSRMPASSWTDH 68 P L P + + EQ+ F FV+ L + L +L+VRC RILLDPY MP S+W D Sbjct: 8 PSSLVPLGNESADSSMSLEQKMTFVFVILLFIFLGILIVRCFRILLDPYRSMPTSTWADG 67 Query: 69 KEALERGQFDYAL 81 E LE+GQFD+AL Sbjct: 68 LEGLEKGQFDHAL 80 >gi|224586838 cortexin 2 [Homo sapiens] Length = 81 Score = 68.9 bits (167), Expect = 8e-13 Identities = 32/58 (55%), Positives = 42/58 (72%) Query: 24 LDAEQRTVFAFVLCLLVVLVLLMVRCVRILLDPYSRMPASSWTDHKEALERGQFDYAL 81 L EQ+T FAFV L + L LL++RC +ILLDPYS MP+S+W D E ++G F+YAL Sbjct: 23 LTLEQKTGFAFVGILCIFLGLLIIRCFKILLDPYSSMPSSTWEDEVEEFDKGTFEYAL 80 >gi|239756833 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein [Homo sapiens] Length = 281 Score = 30.0 bits (66), Expect = 0.41 Identities = 14/23 (60%), Positives = 14/23 (60%) Query: 13 PPSTGPPVGAGLDAEQRTVFAFV 35 PP TGP VGAG EQR V V Sbjct: 57 PPETGPRVGAGSHLEQRVVQVLV 79 >gi|239751318 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein XP_002347804 [Homo sapiens] Length = 346 Score = 30.0 bits (66), Expect = 0.41 Identities = 14/23 (60%), Positives = 14/23 (60%) Query: 13 PPSTGPPVGAGLDAEQRTVFAFV 35 PP TGP VGAG EQR V V Sbjct: 122 PPETGPRVGAGSHLEQRVVQVLV 144 >gi|239745817 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein XP_002343597 [Homo sapiens] Length = 346 Score = 30.0 bits (66), Expect = 0.41 Identities = 14/23 (60%), Positives = 14/23 (60%) Query: 13 PPSTGPPVGAGLDAEQRTVFAFV 35 PP TGP VGAG EQR V V Sbjct: 122 PPETGPRVGAGSHLEQRVVQVLV 144 >gi|116534898 desmoglein 2 preproprotein [Homo sapiens] Length = 1118 Score = 27.7 bits (60), Expect = 2.1 Identities = 15/30 (50%), Positives = 18/30 (60%) Query: 20 VGAGLDAEQRTVFAFVLCLLVVLVLLMVRC 49 VG G A + AF+L LLV L+LLM C Sbjct: 608 VGLGPAAIALMILAFLLLLLVPLLLLMCHC 637 >gi|126032338 ryanodine receptor 3 [Homo sapiens] Length = 4870 Score = 27.7 bits (60), Expect = 2.1 Identities = 11/18 (61%), Positives = 12/18 (66%) Query: 1 MSATWTLSPEPLPPSTGP 18 +S W PE LPPSTGP Sbjct: 3142 LSYWWERGPENLPPSTGP 3159 >gi|4502387 opsin 1 (cone pigments), short-wave-sensitive [Homo sapiens] Length = 348 Score = 27.7 bits (60), Expect = 2.1 Identities = 21/69 (30%), Positives = 28/69 (40%), Gaps = 18/69 (26%) Query: 3 ATWTLS---------------PEPLPPSTGPP---VGAGLDAEQRTVFAFVLCLLVVLVL 44 ATWT+ PE L S GP VG +E T F F+ C +V L L Sbjct: 156 ATWTIGIGVSIPPFFGWSRFIPEGLQCSCGPDWYTVGTKYRSESYTWFLFIFCFIVPLSL 215 Query: 45 LMVRCVRIL 53 + ++L Sbjct: 216 ICFSYTQLL 224 >gi|169215850 PREDICTED: transmembrane protein 46-like [Homo sapiens] Length = 547 Score = 26.6 bits (57), Expect = 4.6 Identities = 9/12 (75%), Positives = 11/12 (91%) Query: 10 EPLPPSTGPPVG 21 EPLPP+ GPP+G Sbjct: 190 EPLPPTLGPPLG 201 >gi|113429443 PREDICTED: transmembrane protein 46-like [Homo sapiens] Length = 492 Score = 26.6 bits (57), Expect = 4.6 Identities = 9/12 (75%), Positives = 11/12 (91%) Query: 10 EPLPPSTGPPVG 21 EPLPP+ GPP+G Sbjct: 190 EPLPPTLGPPLG 201 >gi|239743666 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein XP_002342940 isoform 2 [Homo sapiens] Length = 465 Score = 26.6 bits (57), Expect = 4.6 Identities = 11/16 (68%), Positives = 11/16 (68%) Query: 8 SPEPLPPSTGPPVGAG 23 S PLPPST PVG G Sbjct: 319 SAPPLPPSTAAPVGQG 334 >gi|239743664 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein XP_002342939 isoform 1 [Homo sapiens] Length = 482 Score = 26.6 bits (57), Expect = 4.6 Identities = 11/16 (68%), Positives = 11/16 (68%) Query: 8 SPEPLPPSTGPPVGAG 23 S PLPPST PVG G Sbjct: 336 SAPPLPPSTAAPVGQG 351 >gi|167466201 WAS protein family homolog 1 [Homo sapiens] Length = 465 Score = 26.6 bits (57), Expect = 4.6 Identities = 11/16 (68%), Positives = 11/16 (68%) Query: 8 SPEPLPPSTGPPVGAG 23 S PLPPST PVG G Sbjct: 319 SAPPLPPSTAAPVGQG 334 >gi|166235136 seizure related 6 homolog (mouse)-like 2 isoform 2 [Homo sapiens] Length = 910 Score = 26.2 bits (56), Expect = 6.0 Identities = 14/44 (31%), Positives = 17/44 (38%) Query: 6 TLSPEPLPPSTGPPVGAGLDAEQRTVFAFVLCLLVVLVLLMVRC 49 T P P P S GPP+G E+ T + V V C Sbjct: 130 TAPPPPSPASPGPPLGPEGGEEETTTTIITTTTVTTTVTSPVLC 173 >gi|4885197 ephrin A4 isoform a [Homo sapiens] Length = 201 Score = 26.2 bits (56), Expect = 6.0 Identities = 11/18 (61%), Positives = 17/18 (94%) Query: 36 LCLLVVLVLLMVRCVRIL 53 LCLL++L+LL++R +RIL Sbjct: 184 LCLLLLLLLLILRLLRIL 201 >gi|239755085 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein [Homo sapiens] Length = 310 Score = 25.8 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 13/31 (41%), Positives = 17/31 (54%), Gaps = 6/31 (19%) Query: 9 PEPLPPSTG------PPVGAGLDAEQRTVFA 33 P PLPP TG P VG GL + ++ V + Sbjct: 72 PCPLPPDTGAPLGVLPAVGCGLPSRKKPVLS 102 >gi|169176429 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein [Homo sapiens] Length = 310 Score = 25.8 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 13/31 (41%), Positives = 17/31 (54%), Gaps = 6/31 (19%) Query: 9 PEPLPPSTG------PPVGAGLDAEQRTVFA 33 P PLPP TG P VG GL + ++ V + Sbjct: 72 PCPLPPDTGAPLGVLPAVGCGLPSRKKPVLS 102 >gi|38016937 lemur tyrosine kinase 2 [Homo sapiens] Length = 1503 Score = 25.8 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 15/43 (34%), Positives = 23/43 (53%), Gaps = 4/43 (9%) Query: 18 PPVGAGLD---AEQRTVFAFV-LCLLVVLVLLMVRCVRILLDP 56 P GAG AE + F + +C L++L++L+ CV DP Sbjct: 30 PQTGAGEAPPAAEVSSSFVILCVCSLIILIVLIANCVSCCKDP 72 >gi|18450371 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, A isoform 2 precursor [Homo sapiens] Length = 793 Score = 25.8 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 14/47 (29%), Positives = 27/47 (57%), Gaps = 4/47 (8%) Query: 2 SATWTLSPEPLPPSTGPPVGAGLDAEQRTVFAFVLCLLVVLVLLMVR 48 S+T +PE PPS P+ A + A + + ++ + +++VL M+R Sbjct: 125 SSTAATTPETFPPSDETPIIAVMVA----LSSLLVIVFIIIVLYMLR 167 >gi|18450369 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, A isoform 2 precursor [Homo sapiens] Length = 793 Score = 25.8 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 14/47 (29%), Positives = 27/47 (57%), Gaps = 4/47 (8%) Query: 2 SATWTLSPEPLPPSTGPPVGAGLDAEQRTVFAFVLCLLVVLVLLMVR 48 S+T +PE PPS P+ A + A + + ++ + +++VL M+R Sbjct: 125 SSTAATTPETFPPSDETPIIAVMVA----LSSLLVIVFIIIVLYMLR 167 >gi|28872814 semaphorin 4G [Homo sapiens] Length = 843 Score = 25.8 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 17/59 (28%), Positives = 28/59 (47%), Gaps = 10/59 (16%) Query: 3 ATWTLSPEPLPPSTGPPV----GAGLDAEQRTVFAFV------LCLLVVLVLLMVRCVR 51 A+++L+ P P+ P GA L + R ++ LCL++ LL V C+R Sbjct: 649 ASYSLTVRPATPAPAPKAPATPGAQLAPDVRLLYVLAIAALGGLCLILASSLLYVACLR 707 >gi|153792110 HEG homolog 1 [Homo sapiens] Length = 1381 Score = 25.8 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 12/30 (40%), Positives = 14/30 (46%) Query: 2 SATWTLSPEPLPPSTGPPVGAGLDAEQRTV 31 S W+ SP PLP S A L Q T+ Sbjct: 709 STPWSSSPSPLPVSLTTSTSAPLSVSQTTL 738 >gi|90991712 CD207 antigen, langerin [Homo sapiens] Length = 328 Score = 25.8 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 15/38 (39%), Positives = 22/38 (57%), Gaps = 3/38 (7%) Query: 6 TLSPEPLPPSTGPPVGAGLDAEQRTVFAFVLCLLVVLV 43 +L P PP +GP + G + TV A ++CL +VLV Sbjct: 20 SLWPREPPPKSGPSLVPG---KTPTVRAALICLTLVLV 54 >gi|157694497 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 10 isoform b [Homo sapiens] Length = 847 Score = 25.8 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 10/19 (52%), Positives = 11/19 (57%) Query: 9 PEPLPPSTGPPVGAGLDAE 27 P P PP+ PP G G D E Sbjct: 48 PPPAPPALQPPNGRGADEE 66 >gi|157694499 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 10 isoform a [Homo sapiens] Length = 871 Score = 25.8 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 10/19 (52%), Positives = 11/19 (57%) Query: 9 PEPLPPSTGPPVGAGLDAE 27 P P PP+ PP G G D E Sbjct: 48 PPPAPPALQPPNGRGADEE 66 Database: hs.faa Posted date: Aug 4, 2009 4:42 PM Number of letters in database: 18,247,518 Number of sequences in database: 37,866 Lambda K H 0.324 0.138 0.438 Gapped Lambda K H 0.267 0.0410 0.140 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1 Number of Hits to DB: 3,845,654 Number of Sequences: 37866 Number of extensions: 147270 Number of successful extensions: 1191 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 27 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 19 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 8 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 1170 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 29 length of query: 82 length of database: 18,247,518 effective HSP length: 54 effective length of query: 28 effective length of database: 16,202,754 effective search space: 453677112 effective search space used: 453677112 T: 11 A: 40 X1: 15 ( 7.0 bits) X2: 38 (14.6 bits) X3: 64 (24.7 bits) S1: 40 (21.6 bits) S2: 55 (25.8 bits)
Search results were obtained with NCBI BLAST and RefSeq entries.
Guide to the Human Genome
Copyright © 2010 by Stewart Scherer. All rights reserved.