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BLASTP matches in selected species for TCF12 - GI:46370080

The following table provides the supporting data for the comparative genomics plot for this protein. Select the protein identifier to see the matching RefSeq entry at NCBI. Searches at NCBI may reflect newer proteins sets or multiple strains of that species.

Species          Protein        Score Size(aa) Description

Self-match       46370080        1419    706   transcription factor 12 isoform a
M. musculus      166295206       1364    706   transcription factor 12 
D. rerio         47551333         657    533   transcription factor 12 
C. intestinalis  118344252        171    641   transcription factor protein 
S. purpuratus    115925996        165    473   PREDICTED: hypothetical protein 
D. melanogaster  17137250         209    710   daughterless CG5102-PA 
C. elegans       71989325          99    399   Helix Loop Helix family member (hlh-2...
A. thaliana      30689895          53    739   EMB2766 (EMBRYO DEFECTIVE 2766); stru...
S. cerevisiae    6324372           58    725   Anchorage subunit of a-agglutinin of ...
E. coli          89107143          29    655   predicted dehydratase 
A. pernix        118431628         29    361   hypothetical protein APE_1873.1 

Search results were obtained with NCBI BLAST and RefSeq entries.

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Guide to the Human Genome
Copyright © 2010 by Stewart Scherer. All rights reserved.

CSHL Press