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BLASTP matches in selected species for FTMT - GI:29126241

The following table provides the supporting data for the comparative genomics plot for this protein. Select the protein identifier to see the matching RefSeq entry at NCBI. Searches at NCBI may reflect newer proteins sets or multiple strains of that species.

Species          Protein        Score Size(aa) Description

Self-match       29126241         496    242   ferritin mitochondrial
M. musculus      247270151        354    237   ferritin mitochondrial 
D. rerio         18858719         263    177   ferritin, heavy polypeptide 1 
C. intestinalis  198431377        150    182   PREDICTED: similar to ferritin protei...
S. purpuratus    72044082         159    176   PREDICTED: similar to snail soma ferr...
D. melanogaster  24641673         135    186   Ferritin 3 heavy chain homologue CG43...
C. elegans       17506345         193    170   FerriTiN family member (ftn-2) 
A. thaliana      15225679         145    259   ATFER4 (FERRITIN 4); ferric iron bind...
S. cerevisiae    6323932           30    373   Nuclear-enriched ubiquitin-like polyu...
E. coli          89108743          42    165   cytoplasmic ferritin iron storage pro...
A. pernix        14601838          26    514   hypothetical protein APE_2093 

Search results were obtained with NCBI BLAST and RefSeq entries.

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Guide to the Human Genome
Copyright © 2010 by Stewart Scherer. All rights reserved.

CSHL Press