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BLASTP matches in selected species for SLC35C2 - GI:27881499

The following table provides the supporting data for the comparative genomics plot for this protein. Select the protein identifier to see the matching RefSeq entry at NCBI. Searches at NCBI may reflect newer proteins sets or multiple strains of that species.

Species          Protein        Score Size(aa) Description

Self-match       27881499         712    365   solute carrier family 35, member C2 i...
M. musculus      21450265         676    364   solute carrier family 35, member C2 
D. rerio         47086753         462    362   solute carrier family 35, member C2 
C. intestinalis  198419133        321    360   PREDICTED: similar to solute carrier ...
S. purpuratus    115968474        296    366   PREDICTED: similar to Solute carrier ...
D. melanogaster  24656864         259    469   CG14971 CG14971-PA 
C. elegans       71994696         237    410   hypothetical protein Y47G6A.7 
A. thaliana      42571363         175    414   phosphate translocator-related 
S. cerevisiae    6323603          127    442   Putative nucleotide sugar transporter...
E. coli          89110086          40    301   predicted permease 
A. pernix        118431918         38    322   hypothetical protein APE_2537.1 

Search results were obtained with NCBI BLAST and RefSeq entries.

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Guide to the Human Genome
Copyright © 2010 by Stewart Scherer. All rights reserved.

CSHL Press