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BLASTP matches in selected species for TJAP1 - GI:225690497

The following table provides the supporting data for the comparative genomics plot for this protein. Select the protein identifier to see the matching RefSeq entry at NCBI. Searches at NCBI may reflect newer proteins sets or multiple strains of that species.

Species          Protein        Score Size(aa) Description

Self-match       225690497       1101    547   tight junction associated protein 1 i...
M. musculus      21311861         919    539   tight junction associated protein 1 
D. rerio         189526631        379   1067   PREDICTED: similar to Tight junction-...
C. intestinalis  198422001        112    467   PREDICTED: similar to brain-enriched ...
S. purpuratus    115931397         52    727   PREDICTED: similar to 5-amp-activated...
D. melanogaster  45553377          58    518   Tropomyosin 1 CG4898-PK, isoform K 
C. elegans       17537803          60    801   hypothetical protein ZK84.1 
A. thaliana      79352581          53    762   protein kinase 
S. cerevisiae    6320562           50    944   Inner plaque spindle pole body (SPB) ...
E. coli          89108098          35    239   membrane spanning protein in TonB-Exb...
A. pernix        14601265          39    356   hypothetical protein APE_1221 

Search results were obtained with NCBI BLAST and RefSeq entries.

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Guide to the Human Genome
Copyright © 2010 by Stewart Scherer. All rights reserved.

CSHL Press