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BLASTP matches in selected species for P4HA1 - GI:217272849

The following table provides the supporting data for the comparative genomics plot for this protein. Select the protein identifier to see the matching RefSeq entry at NCBI. Searches at NCBI may reflect newer proteins sets or multiple strains of that species.

Species          Protein        Score Size(aa) Description

Self-match       217272849       1089    534   prolyl 4-hydroxylase, alpha I subunit...
M. musculus      33859596        1051    534   procollagen-proline, 2-oxoglutarate 4...
D. rerio         47550697         834    536   procollagen-proline, 2-oxoglutarate 4...
C. intestinalis  198417610        334    527   PREDICTED: similar to Prolyl 4-hydrox...
S. purpuratus    115963638        424    514   PREDICTED: similar to ENSANGP00000018...
D. melanogaster  24651407         516    550   prolyl-4-hydroxylase-alpha EFB CG3102...
C. elegans       17541712         479    539   Proline HYdroxylase family member (ph...
A. thaliana      15227885         128    291   oxidoreductase, 2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase ...
S. cerevisiae    6322948           38   1875   Myosin-like protein associated with t...
E. coli          89109928          29    294   hypothetical protein 
A. pernix        118431702         31    336   putative methylcobalamin:homocysteine...

Search results were obtained with NCBI BLAST and RefSeq entries.

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Guide to the Human Genome
Copyright © 2010 by Stewart Scherer. All rights reserved.

CSHL Press